FINA 2017 Open Water Swimming Competitions
We love swimming! Therefore we were so delighted that Hungary hosts the FINA 2017 World Championship. As a bonus, the open water swimming competitions are so close to us, namely in Balatonfüred! MrBlue was a swimmer in his younghood, but the long distance swimming (5km, 10km, 25km) was never his favorite. We bought tickets on the net and went to see the competition. It was the last day of the race, the 25 km male and female competition. Two Hungarian girls and two Hungarian boys were brave enough to participate. So the stakes were high, as was the temperature. It was a extreme heat wave, and the water was also too warm for the more than 5 hours long race. The view was fantastic, we never thought that such a long race can will hold so much excitement.
MrOrange was not able to come, since he enjoyed the ‘Grandma Camp’ at another part of Hungary. So Fivesneakers became Foursneakers for a few days.